MERE 2019 | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China | November 9th-11th, 2019
MERE was successfully held in China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China during November 9th-11th, 2019!
Group Photo
Prof. Huafeng Ding from China University of Geosciences, China was delivering the opening remark as conference chair
Prof. Dennis K. Lieu from University of California, Berkeley, USA was delivering the keynote speech
Prof. Lianqing Yu from Wuhan Textile University, China was delivering the keynote speech
Prof. Mohd Hamdi Bin Abd Shukor from University of Malaya, Malaysia was delivering the keynote speech
Assoc. Prof. Suhana Mohd Said from University of Malaya, Malaysia was delivering the plenary speech
Conference Photo Gallery
Session I BP - Nassim Khaled |
Session II BP - Yusheng Sun |
Session III BP - Liang Yang |
Session IV BP - Thanasak Wanglomklang |
Session I - Group Photo |
Session II - Group Photo |
Session III - Group Photo |
Session IV - Group Photo |
For more MERE 2019 conference photos, click here to download.
Authors-Full Paper Submission
As Author, you can publish the manuscript and deliver a presentation on MERE 2020, orally or poster presentation. You must submit full-length manuscript for review before the submission deadline and register when you receive the acceptance letter. The detailed register procedure could be found in the acceptance letter.
Author registration fee includes: paper publication, 15 minutes presentation time, access to whole sessions, Conference materials, lunch, conference package (all conference tracks, morning, and afternoon tea, lunch and dinner), etc.
- Submission Deadline: WordPress Hosting
- Notification Day: Environment
- Registration Deadline: Environment
- Camera Ready: Environment
Presenters-Abstract Submission
As Presenter, you can deliver a presentation on MERE 2020, orally or poster presentation, but the presented manuscript WILL NOT be published. You must submit aabstract for review before the submission deadline and register when you receive the acceptance letter. The detailed register procedure could be found in the acceptance letter.
Presenter registration fee includes: 15 minutes presentation time, access to whole sessions, Conference materials, lunch, conference package (all conference tracks, morning, and afternoon tea, lunch and dinner), etc.
- Submission Deadline: WordPress Hosting
- Notification Day: Environment
- Registration Deadline: Environment
- Camera Ready: Environment
Listener Registration
As Listener, you can attend all the presentation sessions only, neither making presentation nor having paper published.
Listener registration fee includes: access to whole sessions, Conference materials, lunch, conference package (all conference tracks, morning, and afternoon tea, lunch and dinner), etc.
Listener registration:
1. Please fill the information and complete the payment via Online Payment System.
2. Please email Payment Order ID & Payment Email to and wait for the secretary‘s comfirmation.